ADMT ERR2:7621 while migrating accounts within the forest

While performing intra-forest migration of user accounts with the help of Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) you can get the following error:


ERR2:7621 Failed to move source object 'CN=migrTEST'. Verify that the caller's account is not marked sensitive and therefore cannot be delegated. hr=0x8009030e  No credentials are available in the security package


active directory (ru), admt, migration

  • Hits: 12654

Continuous password prompt while connecting Outlook 2007/2010 on Windows XP to Exchange Server 2013

If you try to connect Outlook 2007 or 2010 on Windows XP to Exchange Server 2013, you will face an issue of continuous password prompt for an account.

This issue is about some special kind of work with certificates in Windows XP.


exchange (ru), exchange 2013 (ru), windows xp (ru)

  • Hits: 8580

Viewing and deleting the OCSP and CRL cache on Windows. Verifying certificate validity.

In some cases you may want to revoke certificate and then check on client computer that the certificate is invalid.

Because of caching of CRLs and OCSP in Windows operating systems, this will not be available until you clear CRL and OCSP cache.

security, pki (en)

  • Hits: 33183

Archiving and recovering (export) private key in Active Directory Certification Services (ADCS)

When you have your Active Directory Certification Services (ADCS), your domain users can have certificates used to encrypt\decrypt emails. Your security department may want to get access to those encrypted emails, so you must provide private key of this user, so security-people can decrypt messages.

How can you do that?

security, pki (en)

  • Hits: 22277

Export array (table) into csv-file in Powershell

In your work in big arrays of data in Powershell, very often you will need to export data to table and after open this table in Excel. Its not recommended to code direct export from array into Excel-file, because you will need Excel installed on computer where you run the script. Also, such a code will run slowly.
So, I've decided to export data to csv-file.

script (en), powershell (ru)

  • Hits: 36280

Export Active Directory users to MS SQL Server

Today's my script was written while i've been developing billing-system for Asterisk.

Every user in Active Directory has an attribute with phone number. We will take this attribute and some others into MS SQL Server to use in billing.

There are tons of scripts that can export AD users into scv-file, but none that will export users directly to SQL database. Of course we can export users into scv and then take this csv and import it into SQL database with the help of SSIS-scripts. But this method will generate two scripts, and if you have more than 5-10-15 AD domains, you will have 10-20-30 scripts, which is likely will lead to errors.

active directory (ru), script (en), powershell (ru)

  • Hits: 13295

DataTable export into Excel table in web-project

I've been working on Asterisk billing fow a while (computing some kind of tables). And i've got a need to create quite complex reports periodically.

With my experience in coding, this task will be so difficult, so I decided to export my tables to Excel and then create report in this powerfull table processor.

C-#, programming

  • Hits: 3195

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