active directory (en)

active directory (en)

  • Mass modifying userWorkstations user attribute in Active Directory

    Adding computers to which users can logon in Active Directory - task that administrators must perform quite ofter. Moreover, sometimes you must provide this privilege to all users in domain.

    Here is the powershell script that will help you in this (it does not modify users that have rights to log on to ANY computers):

  • Search scope in Powershell while working with Exchange 2010/2013

    You can expect the following errors while running Get-MailBox, New-MoveRequest and many other commanlets in Powershell in EMS (Exchange Management Shell):

    The requested search root domain is different from the scope root domain.


    The requested search root domain.local/Users’ is not within the scope of this operation. Cannot perform searches outside the scope ‘child.domain.local’.